Montag, 9. September 2019

Carissa macrocarpa

It is commonly known as the Natal plum an in South Africa, the large num-num. Carissa_macrocarpa en. In Zulu, as well as in the. Family ‎: ‎ Apocynaceae Species ‎: ‎C.

Die südafrikanische Provinz Natal ist der Ursprungsort der Natalpflaume.

Die Natalpflaume gehört zur Gattung der . Sie ist also an Wind und . Flowering hedge in Jerusalem. Servus liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, meine Natalpflaume habe. Standort - im Winter nicht auf dem Heizkörper.

Gesamthöhe: 39cm - Baumhöhe: 32cm. Common Name: Natal Plum.

Thus, I have grown this plant . Zur Zeit nicht lieferbar. This low-growing variety forms a dense mat of attractive, glossy emerald-green foliage set on spiny. Natal plum is moderately drought tolerant and capable of dealing with salt spray and saline soils, so . Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance. Large spines which are . Find carissa macrocarpa stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Planting ‎: ‎Can be grown in a container.

Growth rate ‎: ‎Moderate. Heat tolerant ‎: ‎Yes. Die aus Südafrika stammende Natalpflaume ist ein immergrüner ausladender Strauch bis ca. Meter Höhe mit ovalen ledrigen oberseits glänzenden tiefgrünen . Seeds for sale starting at € 4. USDA PLANTS Symbol: CAMAU.

Nativity: Exotic Habit: Shrub or Subshrub.

Natal Plum is a South African native that adapts well to just about any frost-free climate. The gorgeous glossy foliage and richly fragrant, starry white flowers will . Fruit is a fleshy edible berry. Landscaping ‎: ‎Excellent plant for covering large. Click on SHOP to see what other . Arduina macrocarpa Ecklon, S. Kahului, Maui, Hawaii, USA.

Familie: Apocynaceae Hundsgiftgewächse. Allgemeine Bezeichnung: Wachsbaum, Natalpflaume, natal plum. The oval, leathery, rich green leaves hide sharp forked spines. A common constituent of coastal.

Categories: Shrubs and Perennials. Description: Bushy shrub with .

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