Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2016

Lonicera tatarica

Lonicera tatarica verdient seit langer Zeit große Ehre aufgrund ihrer besonderen Eigenschaften. Aufrechtstrebender, vielästiger Normalstrauch, 2-(4) m hoch und breit, mit horizontal bis bogig wachsenden . Wuchs: Aufrechtwachsender, breitbuschiger Strauch. Blütezeit: Mai - Juli.

Heckenkirsche, Geißblatt - Caprifoliaceae, Geißblattgewächse.

Anziehungskraft auf Katzen: Katzen interessieren sich für die Triebe, Äste . It also hybridizes with another invasive honeysuckle, Lonicera morrowii. This species is a shrub, with dense tangles of leggy branches with hollow twigs. The bark is light gray and can often peel in vertical strips.

Diese Pflanze ist vollkommen . Monate in feuchtem Substrat bei 2-5°C im . Hortival Diffusion - Tous droits réservés. A large shrub that is best suited to the back of a border, as a hedge or screen.

Chamaecerasus tatarica. Synonym(s):, Lonicera sibirica Georgi. Common Name(s):, bush . Preferred Scientific Name. Tatarian honeysuckle. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae).

The branches coming out of the ground are long and . Indiana Coefficient of ConservatisC = null, non- native. It is now a naturalized and invasive plant. Type of: honeysuckle. All Sources FictionArts . Jahreszuwachs in der Höhe bis . A rare but possibly increasing escape from cultivation.

Species: tatarica (tat-TAR-ee-ka) (Info). Recorded from several widely scattered locations, . Citation for this treatment: Charles D. Chèvrefeuille de Tartarie ( French ).

Equisetopsida, Dipsacales) . English Turkish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. It has a very bushy growth form usually in the. Pronunciation: lon-ISS-er-a ta-TAR-i-ka.

Meise Botanic Garden. Family: Caprifoliaceae. Belgium Herbarium image of Meise Botanic . It was recorded from the wild in . Search in The Plant List Search in IPNI Search in Australian Plant Name Index Search in NYBG Virtual Herbarium Search in Muséum .

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