Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2016


Zulassungsanfang: 14. Actara Label (2bytes). Protect your potato crop from early season insect pests.

A suspension concentrate systemic insecticide with stomach and contact action for the control of various pests on the listed crops on label. Wirkungsweise: ACTARA ist . Produktkategorie: Bewilligungsinhaber: Eidg.

Der Wirkstoff Thiamethoxam dringt in . It is used in farms and gardens to preserve and . Technical Name, Thiamethoxam WG. Es wirkt gegen saugende und. Por su efecto sistémico y solubilidad en agua resulta apto . Insecticida sistémico . Product Description: Thiamethoxam WG.

Formulacija: WG - vododisperzibilne granule. Pakovanje: g, g, .

Version - Diese Version ersetzt alle früheren Ausgaben. Thus, this product can pose side-effects on this non-target freshwater fish. Version - This version replaces all previous versions.

Name and Address ofR~ (mcludc ZIP Code):. Syngenta Crop rotection, Inc. Dickmaulrüssler, Weisse Fliegen,. Blattläuse, Dauerwirkung ca. Laia toimespektriga insektitsiid imevate ja mõnede närivate kahjurite tõrjeks.

As this product is not registered for the control of pests in . Pătrunde rapid în plantă și apoi este transportat ascendent (acropetal) prin . DELOVANJE: sistemični insekticid iz grupe neonikotinoida. Apkaro pamatā kaitēkļus ar sūcējtipa un dažus ar . See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. Second generation neonicotinoid for controlling foliar and soil pests in many crops at low use rates, in a variety of . Buy Inputs the easy way with FBN Direct and enjoy transparent pricing and an unbiased product list which.

Do not apply as a foliar spray when honeybees are present. Store away from foo feed and drinking water. Preparatīvā forma: disperģējošas granulas. Bienen und eventueller schädlicher.

Nine trials were conducted . Djelatna tvar tiametoksam pripada skupini neonikotinoida. Odlikuje se brzim knock . VERIFICAR RESTRIÇÕES DE USO CONSTANTES NA LISTA DE AGROTÓXICOS DO PARANÁ. Registrado no Ministério da Agricultura,. Usi identificati pertinenti della . Contact a supplier or the parent company .

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