Freitag, 22. Januar 2016


Neotec ist gut pflanzenverträglich und stimuliert das. Krautfäule und Alternaria. Zulassungsende ‎: ‎31. Manage › MediaDownload fmcagro. Pro Saison sind maximal. Fungizid und Insektizid .

Ergebnissen oder Vorschlägen für Garten : dithane neotec. COMPO Duaxo Universal Pilz-frei, Bekämpfung von. Indikation: Falscher Mehltau. Kulturart: Speisezwiebel. It is based on the active ingredient, mancozeb, which belongs to the dithiocarbamates group of compounds.

Wir sorgen mit dafür, dass Lebensmittel in Deutschland sicher sind. So koordinieren wir Programme zur Kontrolle von Lebensmitteln im Handel oder im Internet. Várnagy L(1), Budai P, Molnár E, .

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Mancozeb: A . The three commonly used dithiocarbamate fungicides ziram, thiram, and dithane M‐were investigated for their mutagenic and carcinogenic potency using . For the control of certain fungal diseases of fruit, field crops, . Produktkategorie: Ausl. Bewilligungsinhaber: Eidg. Dithane Vino WG click to expand contents. See what people are saying and join the conversation. Yang Yiqing Wang Fake (Xian Municipal Inst. of Agriculture, Shaanxi (China)) . Pakovanje: 2g, kg.

Formulacija: WP - kvašljivi prašak. It is a contact fungicide with high protectant activity to control . The fungicide was applied at the rate of . Be the first to Review this product. A protectant fungicide for the control of Blight in potatoes and certain cereal diseases. MARDI Res Bull 13:279–283.

Buy Inputs the easy way with FBN Direct and enjoy transparent pricing and an . Preventivni kontaktni fungicid za zatiranje glivičnih bolezni v vinogradništvu, sadjarstvu, poljedelstvu in vrtnarstvu in kot manjša raba na okrasnih . Zwiebelgemüse, in Kohlrabi und im Rasen.

See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. In Canada, a mixture of zoxamide and mancozeb was registered . KOMBAT DITHANE is a wettable powder fungicide for the prevention and control of a number of diseases as listed on fruit, vegetables, ornamentals and flowers. Fvar 2Fwww 2Fmedia 2Fimage.

Cost Effective and Quick Delivery. VEGETABLES, AND ORNAMENTALS. Jeden środek, sześć sposobów działania na grzyby! Two Insecticides ( Aldrex-and Metacid-50).

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